105th Annual Nance County Fair


Thanks to the generous donations from this year’s sponsors, the 2024 Nance County Fair Carnival will be free admission to the public.
Carnival Hours: Friday June 28 and Saturday June 29 - 5pm-11pm, Sunday June 20 2-5pm

CHAMPION Sponsors:

Big Iron

J.W. Express

Welch Concrete

RT Plumbing

Quintanilla Roofing LLC

Akers Equipment


The Nance County Fair is made possible through the efforts of many volunteers and the financial support of Fullerton and the surrounding area.

The Nance County Ag Society has a board of directors who volunteer their time to plan and bring the fair events to you. This year, the board hosted an Advance Sponsor night to showcase the events coming this summer.

Contact Deb for additional sponsorship opportunities. We will soon be posting a list of sponsors to thank them for their support.

Donate to the Nance County Fair through E-bay

What is a Direct Seller?

A Direct Seller is someone who is designated to sell “directly” on behalf of a Charity and is included on the list of Direct Sellers for the charity. If you need to add or remove Direct Sellers, please ask the Charity Administrator who knows the PayPal account login credentials to go to the Direct Selling for Charity page where they can log in to access the tools.

Benefits of using Direct Sellers include:

  • 100% of proceeds from selling an item go to the Charity
  • No listing or Final Value Fees are charged. Learn more.
  • All funds are deposited directly into the PayPal account of the Charity

What is the PayPal Giving Fund?

PayPal Giving Fund is a registered non-profit that connects donors, businesses & charities in order to help charities raise new funds. eBay for Charity works directly with the PayPal Giving Fund to enable sellers to donate a portion of their sales and buyers to shop while supporting their favorite charity. It’s a win-win-win opportunity!

Plus, participation in PayPal Giving Fund is free, and they provide donation and donor reports, issue tax receipts, aggregate donations for monthly electronic distribution, and handle legal registration requirements. Learn more about PayPal Giving Fund.

How do I know if my charity is enrolled in the PayPal Giving Fund?

Try searching for your charity using our Find a Charity tool. If you don’t find your charity in the list, make sure that your Charity is already a PayPal Confirmed Charity and then follow the steps to enroll in the PayPal Giving Fund.

My charity is registered with PayPal but it’s not showing on eBay. What can I do?

You need to make sure that you are enrolled in the PayPal Giving Fund. To clarify, PayPal has two different types of charity status: PayPal Confirmed Charity, and PayPal Giving Fund.

You may have had your charity status confirmed but you also need to enroll in the PayPal Giving Fund. After you enroll in the PayPal Giving Fund it may take 1-2 days to appear in the list of charities on eBay.

I want to be a Direct Seller for this charity but I don’t know the PayPal login. What should I do?

You will need to contact the administrator for the charity’s PayPal account and request that they add you to their Direct Sellers list by logging into the Direct Selling for Charity page.

I want to donate to this charity but I don’t want to be a Direct Seller, what should I do?

It’s easy! When you are listing an item, you can turn on the option to “Donate a portion to charity”. You will be asked to select a charity and the percentage you want to donate. To make it even easier, you can first create a list of your favorite charities using our Find a Charity tool then tapping the heart icon to add it to your Favorites list.

When you donate a portion of your sales to charity, you will get listing fee credits equal to the percent you are donating. For example, if you donate 20% to charity, you will get a 20% reduction in listing and final value fees. Learn more about listing fee credits.

Sponsorships and Support

The Nance County Fair is now able to accept sponsorships and support through Paypal payments. Please use the button below to send your payment. Please also give us a call so we can properly recognize your generosity at the fair!

Days Until the Fair








Contact Us

Nance Co Ag Society

Contact: Goob (Riley) Lane - (308) 550-0704

Site Design by Upward Designs LLC